3.3.1 Current collaborations with health institutions

          Academic year 2020, Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences Phetchaburi Rajabhat University has its cooperative partners including one global health institute, one national organization, and two local organizations.

         As a result of such cooperation, knowledge exchange activities and other activities continue to produce beneficial results for learners, personnel, agencies both inside and outside the school, as well as the community, which can be summarized as follows.

Types of cooperation

Memorandum of Understanding


          Memorandum of Understanding between the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences Phetchaburi Rajabhat University Thailand and Osaka University Japan

Research work:
Association between Clinical Characteristics and Quality of Life in Older People with Stroke at Hospital Discharge

          Memorandum of Understanding for National Academic Conferences between the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences Phetchaburi Rajabhat University with the Faculty of Nursing Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University

1. Students of the Thai Traditional Medicine Department received the 1st prize for the presentation of innovative microemulsion development from betel oil and plai oil in the category of Sufficiency Economy

2. Nursing students received the second runner-up award for the presentation of innovative safety needle storage boxes for entrepreneurs in the category of creative inventions.

3.  Public Health Science students received a consolation prize for their presentation of the innovative screening machine for COVID 3in1 technology in the news technology category

1. Memorandum of Understanding on the project to develop clinical competency towards nursing expertise between the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences and 15 hospitals

1. A nursing practice guideline was created in the group of service users with chronic diseases and interested health problems

2. The network hospitals are training centers for practice courses

  • community health nursing practice courses for nursing sciences program
  • professional experience training courses (Thai medicine) for Thai traditional medicine program
  • professional experience training courses for public health sciences program

2. Memorandum of Understanding between Phetchaburi Rajabhat University and Phetchaburi Provincial Government Offices

The overall quality of life of the elderly was higher at a moderate level, the ability to access health and social services was higher at a moderate level, and the elderly’s knowledge of herbal wisdom was higher at a moderate level.

The effective model for developing innovative learning centers for the elderly based on synthesized wisdom SITCOM-Petchhuawang was created.

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